The Bayar Fellowship: Who We Are

Zoom Mentoring Session


Since 2021, the Bayar Fellowship has been working to:

  • Encourage low-income high school students to develop an understanding of business as they commit themselves to public service.

  • Provide a foundation for which financial literacy can be developed.

  • Incubate the business and community leaders of tomorrow.

  • Pair recipients with mentors in their interest areas to provide guidance and support through their studies.

  • Support recipients throughout their high school, college, and professional journeys by providing them with mentorship, financial support, and a strong network of accomplished peers to help them succeed in their endeavors.
  • Award over $2000 of grants to support students through their education.



May 31: Deadline to Submit Applications

Your application will consist of a self-profile and a 450-word essay on one of our two prompts. The prompts can be found on the ‘Apply!’ tab.

June 1 - June 21: Application Review

Your application essay and self-profile will be reviewed and evaluated based on the prompt.

June 21 - June 30: Recipients Announced

Recipients will notified of their result via their email, awards will be distributed, and mentors will be assigned.


To be eligible for The Bayar Fellowship, you must be a high school student who is interested in utilizing business principles to improve your community

With your application, you must submit:


Your Application Essay

Prompt I: “How significant of a role do you think business and / or public service play in your community? ”

Prompt II: “When was a time your actions had a positive impact on other people?”

Your Student Profile

1. Your Full Name
2. Your High School Name
3. Your Grade Level
4. Your Anticipated College Study
5. Your Anticipated Career/Job

Curriculum Overview

The purpose of the curriculum is to introduce our incoming recipients to professional knowledge that is often learned too late in one’s career. The curriculum consists of a variety of concepts – which will be taught through seminars and workshops – intended to build the foundation of some of the most essential principles of a professional. The first three items on the curriculum are imperative to successful professional development, and the last item is devoted to teaching about several tools that are relevant to almost everyone’s life.



What Is It? How Is It Done?

Networking is the key to success.

In this seminar, we will cover what networking means, how to network professionally and diligently, and how to present yourself while networking

Resumes and Cover Letters

How to Get Started and What to Do

Your Resume and Cover Letter are often the first two things that potential employers will see about you. It is imperative that it is polished. In this seminar, we will go over the fundamentals of a healthy Resume and Cover Letter.


How to Prepare and Interview Successfully

Developing one’s ability to interview properly and effectively is crucial to professional and personal development. In this lesson, we will cover how to best prepare and succeed in your interviews.

Investments, Loans, Taxes

Fundamentals and Concepts

Investments, Loans, and Taxes play a huge part in one’s path to development and growth. In this seminar, we will cover the fundamentals of these three concepts.

College Applications

Creating a Compelling Narrative that Highlights You

The college application process is an enigma that can limit our ability to succeed in the academic and professional world. In this lesson, we will review the most important factors that admissions committees look for, how to create the most compelling narrative in our application process, and how to successfully navigate this exciting process.


A Mentor Makes All the Difference

 No matter which path we choose, there are many whom we can learn from. This lesson will allow us to meet and participate in a Q&A session with several successful individuals who will teach us the lessons they’ve picked up along the way, and the importance of finding mentors in pursuing our goals.

Bayar Fellowship

Apply Using the Link Below